Often, people like the message of Permission to Smile – and try to do their bit. But it can take a local catalyst to bring about real and lasting change.
The catalyst can be a church, a school, a GP surgery, a community group – any organsation with a stake in its local community and a desire to make a difference.

We have detailed guides on how to put on a local event with a Permission to Smile theme, invite residents from a wide area, facilitate people from the same street to get together and share ideas for how they can together start a Street Association. Please contact us for further information and advice and for details of how to obtain banners, Permission to Smile letterhead, detailed guides, window stickers and more. Please note that the Permission to Smile name and logo are registered Trade Marks and may only be used with explicit permission from, and in partnership with, the Permission to Smile campaign.
We are also pleased to support networks in other towns and cities wishing to mount a Permission to Smile campaign and act as local catalysts to get it going.